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Při koupi 3 Zipsterů získáte slevu 10 %. Při koupi 5 Zipsterů získáte 15% slevu

Více než 80 000 spokojených zákazníků

Hodnocení 4,88 / 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Při koupi 3 Zipsterů získáte slevu 10 %. Při koupi 5 Zipsterů získáte slevu 15 %.

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Rok 2024 Zipster Výzva pro návrháře

Countdown is on

Enter before

About the Challenge

This February marks our fourth birthday as a brand, and we are celebrating by giving our customers and followers a chance to design their very own Zipster!


Get designing!

Whether it's a text description of what you'd like to create, a sketch using pencils, or a digital design, we are open to everything! You don't have to be creative to enter!

You can submit your entry using the form below before 28th February 2025!



We'll shortlist 5 designs

These designs will be developed with our design team to make into real Zipster samples and photographed!

We'll make these into a video showcasing your story and the sampled design!



You get to vote!

We'll put the shortlisted designs out to a vote on our social media and our email subscribers, and the winner will be announced shortly after!

The winner of the design competition will have their Zipster made as part of our Zipster Collection!



The Grand Prize

Our lucky winner will receive €500 in cash, as well as their Zipster design in our next collection!

We'll feature your name on the labels and you'll of course receive a Zipster in a size of your choice!

a vítězem se stává....

Comic Cuddles!

S radostí oznamujeme, že vítězem naší soutěže o nejlepší design se stal komiks Kristen Nicoly Comic Cuddles s hravým a živým motivem!

Návrh bude nyní uveden do výroby se jménem designérky na visačce!

Zůstaňte naladěni na vydání potisku Comic Cuddles během několika příštích měsíců a ještě jednou děkujeme všem, kteří se zúčastnili a hlasovali. Bez vás bychom to nedokázali.

Competition FAQs

How do I enter?

You can submit your entry using the link here before midnight on 28th February 2024!

Do I need to be a designer?

Absolutely not!

Even if you have a great idea in your head, you can still submit an entry. We just ask that you describe as much detail as possible, so we can help you bring your design to life!

If you do have creative skills using other mediums, like sketching, painting or digital designing using Illustrator or Photoshop, we would love to see these too!

What are the prizes?

The shortlisted designers will win €100/£100 to spend at Zipster, as well as having their design printed on a Zipster and photographed!

The winner will receive €500/£500 in cash, as well as having their Zipster as part of our new collection! Of course you will also receive the Zipster in a size of your choice :)

We'll also feature your name on the labels and on our website when showing the product!

Are there terms and conditions?

Yes. To enter, you must agree to our Terms and Conditions which can be found here.

Výzva 2025

Sledujte nás na Instagramu, abyste byli v obraze ohledně naší další designové výzvy.